The story revolves around Mr.Humpty Dumpty and his constant state of depression. Humpty's life is on the rocks quite literally. The recession of '08 rendered him jobless, a wife who found a better partner and outstanding rents and bills stare blankly at him. Set in Manhattan, New York, Humpty finds life difficult to manage with his woes. And so...
Look around and what do you see
Happiness, sunshine and a good lot o' glee!
Smile please, smiles are good, smiles are free
But why's it that it's so difficult for me?
If there's something i carry with me,
It's got to be lots o' pain and misery
A life so gloomy, a life so tough
Wonder why'd Fate leave me out in the rough...
Hurt or abuse, i never did to anybody
Then why's my fortune so drab and shoddy?
I live my life, others i just let them be
Aren't you seeing this, it's not something else you see?
Their faces beam and they walk ever so upright
Sparkling shoes and collars tight
A spring in their steps, they step so light!
Jolly good fun! What a happy sight!
The sun for me's in eclipse, and my horizon's dark
Rays of hope are bleak for the darkness is stark
If i could, i would to someone hark
Bring back my joy, bring back my singing lark!
How'll it all end, or will it end at all?
Is there someone who'd answer my call?
Someday again, again i'll walk tall
Or take the plunge once and for all...
Hope seems to surge high briefly and Humpty gets a job as a cashier at a coffee shop in Tristate. Fate doesn't want to let go of him so quickly, and before you know it, he's jobless again. Humpty's determined to keep up his promise. He didn't quite walk tall, so he's prepared to take the final fall...
From the 25th storey of a skyscraper which's his building, Humpty breathes in the surroundings for the last time. The sun sets in the western horizon and far below him, the rush hour is about to start. Well, there's nothing much to mope around for. And so...
Adieu cruel world, i'll miss you but i have to go
The fall would take seven minutes before he smashes into the tarmac like an eggshell. As he's going down, he sees the people he thinks are happy and content. That's what he used to think until...
Mrs. Walker, walking with her head held high
She's bowing down in grief, i wonder why!
She's weeping for her son, who's taken the way of the gun!
Mr.Turner, the ever-smiling, "do good" man
Is that blood he's spitting in that pan?
Reckon it's cancer, wonder when it began!
He'd be feeling Hell, he's dying
But i've never heard him once crying...
Hello Jeannie, babe of every man's dreams!
All's not well with her, so it seems
Why's she living so alone and forlorn
Unloved like a rose's prickly thorn?
Trip, the next promising soccer superstar
Runs hard sending the ball high and far
A prosthetic leg's what he wears
Yet what brilliant grace he bears...
If you're wondering, it's not seven minutes yet. Humpty's heart is pumping hard, and his senses are hyper-excited. That's why time seems to go slowly for him. The sight of people he once thought to be free from suffering makes him think. Perhaps he'd made a rash decision. But then it's too late to stop now...
Sorrow lurks among one and all
All that matters is how much's your gall
Fate may bend you, but you have the option to walk tall
Maybe i shouldn't have take...
Silence for a moment, screams later. A small pool of blood begins to gather at the place where Humpty hit the tarmac, and the pedestrians gather waiting for the paramedics to arrive. The pain would've been terrific for he fell from a good height, but there's a strange smile on his lips...
Look around and what do you see
Happiness, sunshine and a good lot o' glee!
Smile please, smiles are good, smiles are free
But why's it that it's so difficult for me?
If there's something i carry with me,
It's got to be lots o' pain and misery
A life so gloomy, a life so tough
Wonder why'd Fate leave me out in the rough...
Hurt or abuse, i never did to anybody
Then why's my fortune so drab and shoddy?
I live my life, others i just let them be
Aren't you seeing this, it's not something else you see?
Their faces beam and they walk ever so upright
Sparkling shoes and collars tight
A spring in their steps, they step so light!
Jolly good fun! What a happy sight!
The sun for me's in eclipse, and my horizon's dark
Rays of hope are bleak for the darkness is stark
If i could, i would to someone hark
Bring back my joy, bring back my singing lark!
How'll it all end, or will it end at all?
Is there someone who'd answer my call?
Someday again, again i'll walk tall
Or take the plunge once and for all...
Hope seems to surge high briefly and Humpty gets a job as a cashier at a coffee shop in Tristate. Fate doesn't want to let go of him so quickly, and before you know it, he's jobless again. Humpty's determined to keep up his promise. He didn't quite walk tall, so he's prepared to take the final fall...
From the 25th storey of a skyscraper which's his building, Humpty breathes in the surroundings for the last time. The sun sets in the western horizon and far below him, the rush hour is about to start. Well, there's nothing much to mope around for. And so...
Adieu cruel world, i'll miss you but i have to go
The fall would take seven minutes before he smashes into the tarmac like an eggshell. As he's going down, he sees the people he thinks are happy and content. That's what he used to think until...
Mrs. Walker, walking with her head held high
She's bowing down in grief, i wonder why!
She's weeping for her son, who's taken the way of the gun!
Mr.Turner, the ever-smiling, "do good" man
Is that blood he's spitting in that pan?
Reckon it's cancer, wonder when it began!
He'd be feeling Hell, he's dying
But i've never heard him once crying...
Hello Jeannie, babe of every man's dreams!
All's not well with her, so it seems
Why's she living so alone and forlorn
Unloved like a rose's prickly thorn?
Trip, the next promising soccer superstar
Runs hard sending the ball high and far
A prosthetic leg's what he wears
Yet what brilliant grace he bears...
If you're wondering, it's not seven minutes yet. Humpty's heart is pumping hard, and his senses are hyper-excited. That's why time seems to go slowly for him. The sight of people he once thought to be free from suffering makes him think. Perhaps he'd made a rash decision. But then it's too late to stop now...
Sorrow lurks among one and all
All that matters is how much's your gall
Fate may bend you, but you have the option to walk tall
Maybe i shouldn't have take...
Silence for a moment, screams later. A small pool of blood begins to gather at the place where Humpty hit the tarmac, and the pedestrians gather waiting for the paramedics to arrive. The pain would've been terrific for he fell from a good height, but there's a strange smile on his lips...